So no need to go on too much about this - it’s the third (and likely final) year in a row now our teams Christmas plans have been canceled/postponed (this time due to an org change and not covid thankfully!) so decided to continue with this tradition (last years here) by reflecting again with a small webpage to celebrate the challenges and achievements of the year.

Same as last year, it was thrown together while watching football & Stranger Things (expanding my television habits!) hence, it’s not optimized for handheld devices - best to check it out on a laptop. Again though what an enormous year filled with great projects, learnings, ups/downs & plenty of delivered value.

Looking over the past few years its interesting to see some of the continual themes as well as the overall evolution - where we started with many varying proofs of concept to today with a more focused and refined set of deliverables - I think its a reflection of where we are as a team and the larger organization we support.

This year I had a lot on my plate so didn’t quite get to invest the time I would’ve liked to, nevertheless, I always find it fruitful to reflect on the year, and here’s simply a small snippet of some of the things we’ve managed to achieve! 2022 A Year In Review